Sunday, February 8, 2015


Thank you to everyone who has brought a snack or lunch so far!!  The kids have loved (and eaten) everything!

There are many open dates for snacks from February 10 until the show starts.   If you haven't had the opportunity to sign up before, please do so now.  We have a supply of plates, napkins, cups, plastic cutlery on hand so you do not have to bring those.

Also, a reminder that dinners are needed for tech rehearsals and show nights (March 2-8),  In the past, some families have worked together to provided the meals, which divides the work and responsibility.

Please contact Beth Jackson regarding your reimbursement for the snack you provided.  You can email her at

Thank you, parents, for your efforts to make all this happen!

To see the open dates and sign up, please click here.

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