Tuesday, January 13, 2015


In order to provide snacks/lunches for the kids, we have collected $30 per cast member. 

Michael facilitated the snacks for the first 6 rehearsals.  However, parents are needed to purchase snacks/lunches (from the money collected), and bring them and set them up for rehearsal.  Snack times are listed on the sign up page (Google doc).  You can find that here.

If you have a lot of left overs, please contact the next person and let them know what you left.   

Since snack time is only about 10-15, I ask that parents stick around to help with the clean up when the kids are finished.  If you are unable to stay, please make sure your son/daughter does the cleaning.  If a mess is left in Fellowship Hall, we might be asked to stop providing food at rehearsals.

If you have any questions after looking at the Google sign up sheet, please email me.

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